Comprehensive West Bank Violation Update: On Monday fanatic paramilitary Israeli colonizers and soldiers continued the pogroms and violations, killing three Palestinians, including a child, injuring many, and causing serious damage to homes and cars, in various parts of the occupied West Bank.

In Nablus, in the northern West Bank, fanatic illegal paramilitary Israeli colonizers, funded, armed, and encouraged by their extreme government, invaded Khirbat At-Tawil village, east of Aqraba town, south of the city, and killed two Palestinians, Abdul-Rahman Maher Bani Fadel, 30, and Mohammad Ibrahim Bani Jame’, 21.

|Army Abducts Four Palestinians Near Ramallah|

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) sources said the colonizers shot the two Palestinians with live fire, and left them bleeding on the ground, while Israeli soldiers closed streets and prevented the ambulances from reaching them.

The PRCS added that the soldiers attacked its medics and refused to allow them to reach the two Palestinians, who continued to bleed until they succumbed to their wounds before the soldiers took them away.

The PRCS also said that its medics provided treatment to one Palestinian farmer, who suffered fractures and bruises after the colonizers assaulted him and other farmers on their lands.

It added that Israeli colonizers also opened fire and assaulted many Palestinian farmers in Khirbat At-Tawil, causing three Palestinians to suffer fractures and bruises.

Furthermore, the Israeli soldiers invaded Burqa village, northwest Nablus, leading to protests, before the army shot a young man, 27, with a live round in the leg.

Also in Nablus, Israeli soldiers killed a Palestinian child, Yazan Mohammad Eshteyya, 17, from Salem village, east of the city.

Medical sources said Yazan was shot and seriously injured by the soldiers who invaded Nablus city, and added that the child was rushed to a hospital in Nablus but succumbed to his profoundly serious wounds.

In Qalqilia, in the northwestern West Bank, the soldiers shot and seriously injured a young man on Palestinian land near the illegal Annexation Wall.

Palestinian medics rushed the seriously injured man to a hospital in Qalqilia and said the soldiers shot him in the thigh, leading to excessive bleeding.

|Army Abducts Nine Palestinians In Tulkarem, One In Jenin|

It is worth mentioning that, on Sunday, the soldiers shot a young man with three live rounds while standing on Palestinian land near the Annexation Wall in Qalqilia.

In related news, Israeli colonizers invaded the Ras Ein Al-Awja Spring area, north of Jericho in the northeast West Bank, and attacked farmers while threatening to destroy all waterlines used by the farmers to irrigate their lands.

The attack came just one day after the colonizers installed an outpost on stolen Palestinian lands near the spring.

In Salfit, in the central West Bank, the extremist paramilitary colonizers invaded Bruqin town, west of the city, before attacking homes and many Palestinians and hurling stones at them their cars, and their shops.

Medical sources have confirmed that the colonizers injured five Palestinians, including children, in an attack targeting Yasser Shafiq and his family, the wounded were moved to Salfit Governmental Hospital.

The Israeli assailants also broke the windows and windshields of a car, owned by a local doctor, Mohammad Sho’eidbi, and Taiseer Samara.

|Israeli Colonizers Uproot Dozens Of Saplings, Trees, In Salfit|

In Hebron, in the occupied West Bank’s southern parts, the fanatic Israeli colonizers attacked many Palestinians, their homes and lands, in several parts of the governorate, causing excessive damage, and burnt a car, owned by Mohammad Abed Jabarin, in the Shu’ab Al-Batem area in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron.

Also in Hebron, Israeli soldiers and paramilitary colonizers invaded the Khallet Al-Farra Bedouin community, west of Yatta, south of the city, before the soldiers abducted Bassam Nawaj’a, and assaulted his wife along with another Palestinian; the two wounded Palestinians were rushed to a hospital in Hebron.

The soldiers also confiscated Bassam’s car, and stormed and ransacked many homes, causing damage.

The fanatic Israeli colonizers also attacked residential tents and property in the Khirbat Touba community, in Masafer Yatta.

In Ramallah, in the central West Bank, Israeli colonizers invaded Kafr Malek village, east of the city, and assaulted many Palestinians, including at least one, Khaled Salem Ghneimat, while working on his land.

The attack came just one day after the colonizers shot a Palestinian and kidnapped another in the village.

Since this past Friday, the colonizers began serious assaults and violations against the Palestinians, their homes, and lands, especially in villages and towns, east and north of Ramallah, killing six Palestinians, including three on Saturday and Sunday, and wounding dozens, in addition to burning scores of homes and cars, bringing the number of slain Palestinians since Friday to five.

Besides the six slain Palestinians, the Prisoners’ Affairs Commission (PAC) and the Palestine Prisoner’s Society (PPS), have confirmed the death of a father-of-seven, Abdul-Rahim Abdul-Karim Amer, 59, who died, Saturday evening, at an Israeli detention center.

Israel has now killed 468 Palestinians, including 118 children and 5 women, and injured more than 4800, including many children, in the occupied West Bank, since October 7, 2023.

In the Gaza Strip, the number of slain Palestinians has exceeded 33.797, mostly women and children, in addition to more than 76.465 injured Palestinians, and the thousands who remain under the rubble, or on streets and in alleys where the medics have been unable to locate them due to the massive destruction and the constant Israeli bombing.